Media Segmentation and Pre-Classification


Providing features for automating radio and TV segmentation, this service both discovers and monitors new contents.

Multimedia Storage and Retrieval


Providing an efficient multimedia database for audio and video, this service organises media file storage, prevents duplication and promptly responds to queries.

Services Provided


Media Segmentation and Pre-Classification

Media Segmentation and Pre-classification Service provides features for automating radio and TV segmentation, and supporting the spot classification process. This service both discovers and monitors new contents. Customers’ TV and radio media files are automatically analysed from scratch, segments are identified and similar occurrences are grouped into spots. Spots are pre-classified as program blocks, advertising or discards (chaffs).

Multimedia Storage and Retrieval

Track Studio Multimedia Storage and Retrieval Service provides an efficient multimedia database for audio and video. It organises media file storage, prevents duplication and promptly responds to queries. Besides exact matches, partial matches are also reported with information to create visual comparison plots. A key feature of this service is performance – Multimedia Storage and Retrieval Service response is very fast. Track Studio has developed a patent in this area as a result of years of research: 'Method and apparatus for storage and retrieval of multidimensional information'.